Kannagi Khanna studied audiovisual production and specialised in Film Studies at SIMC, Pune. She recently completed a Masters in  Gender Studies and sexuality at SOAS, London.

As part of her practice, she combines her creative work with her research on gender dynamics in Indian society. Her works also explore themes of family, love and memories.  She has worked on projects with FABRICA, National Geographic Channel, Penguin Publications and New York University Press. Her works have been exhibited at the Delhi International Photo Festival, Glasgow International festival of Visual art, Chennai Photo festival, Pondy Art among others.

Leela' is an exploration of the lives of the Transgender community residing in North India. The identity of these men falls outside the stereotypical gender norms and the society they inhabit is plagued with taboos. To fight that, they have found performance art as a tool to dress up as women at religious events, under the guise of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. My project is an exploration of the interesting relationship that the Transgender community has formed with religion, which allows them to express their true inner selves without facing any form of harassment.